All Notices for Re-opening of St. Senan's Church

Re-opening of St. Senan’s Church

A sincere thanks to all who took time to visit our Church on Wednesday & Friday last for private & personal prayer. Our church will open for private prayer on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12 Noon to 3 p.m. on those days. All who wish to visit the church on those days are very welcome,…

Re-Opening of St. Senan’s Church

We plan to be in a position to re-open St. Senan’s Church on Monday 25th May on a phased basis.  In practice this will mean we will open for private prayer on Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 12noon – 3pm. All who wish to visit the Church on these days are very welcome, but must…

Re-opening of St. Senan’s Church

As a follow up to Bishop Fintan’s Pastoral letter & after feedback from Pastoral Council members it was  acknowledged that it would be great to see Churches reopened. The feed back also highlighted the responsibility we have as a church community to ensure the care of each other through putting in place the proper