All Notices for Inis Cathaigh Pastoral Area

Inis Cathaigh Pastoral Area

As previously outlined in our newsletters at the end of July discussion was to take place at parish level following the clerical changes within the Pastoral Area. It was indicated that a new schedule of Mass Times would come into effect on this weekend 28th 29th Oct. As a result of ongoing discussion this is…

Inis Cathaigh Pastoral Area

INIS CATHAIGH PASTORAL AREA (Parishes of Cooraclare, Killimer, Kilmihil & Kilrush)

In the recently published Diocesan Appointments by Bishop Fintan, the Pastoral Area of Inis Cathaigh sees the announcement of Fr. Des Hillery to the Imeall Bóirne Pastoral Area and of the retirement of Fr. Peter O’Loughlin.

This announcement sees just two priests under 75…